On Wed, 2 Jun 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > The question is: if I buy a SDRAM PC100 chip, will it work on a
> > computer with bus speed of 66Mhz ? 
> Nope.

I bought 2 128MB PC100 for my 66MHz ASUS, hoping that the dimms would
still be usable when I get a new motherboard someday.

I ran memtest86 for about 24 hours, no problems, and have been running
fine ever since (several months).

I started having problems recently (filesystem errors and signal 11) so I
ran memtest86 again and one of the dimms has gone bad. I took it out and
put back in an old regular 32MB dimm, and the two mixed togeter (160MB)
ran memtest86 fine overnight, and seems OK after about a week.

I don't know why the dimm went bad. I wouldn't think it's because the
100/66MHz issue.

Please explain why you think PC100 shouldn't be in a 66MHz board. Do you
have any ponters to info on the web?


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