You could try mounting the drive as a vfat drive and creating the long dir
that way.  I'm not sure if that will work or not (probably won't if the
drive is formated by DOS) but it's worth a try.


On Tue, 8 Jun 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Thanks a tremendous lot for all the help. It really helps keeping my spirit
> up as a newbie.
> I managed to mount the dos partition allright, but it seems like dselect
> wants an exact copy of the ftp-site, which is a problem since I can't make
> the directory "binary-i386" with only 8 characters allowed in dos.
> Seems like I'm gonna have to borrow a cd-drive off of somebody and try to do
> the installation from there, alternatively (re)install the winbastard in the
> dos-partition to be able to use longer names. Damn.
> Anyone got any brilliant ideas for a (masochist?!) newbie?!
> Regards
> Vitux
> Error is human; complete disaster takes a computer... 
> > -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> > Fra:        Kent West [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sendt:      8. juni 1999 19:15
> > Til:        Wichmann, Viggo
> > Cc:
> > Emne:       Re: A little further: Short newbie question
> > 
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> > > Ok, now I got a little further: I typed /dev/hda and dselect asks:
> > > Enter filesystem type for dev/hda:
> > > What's linuxian for a dos filesystem?
> > > Vitux
> > >
> > > > -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> > > > Fra:  Wichmann, Viggo
> > > > Sendt:        8. juni 1999 16:24
> > > > Til:  'debian user'
> > > > Emne: Short newbie question
> > > >
> > > > Hi Debians
> > > > Whats the "partition's block device name"?
> > > > I'm trying to install Debian from the dos-partition using dselect.
> > > > I copied alle the files from the ftp(main, etc.)-archives and put them
> > > > into the dos partition.
> > > > I believe Linux should be able to "see" the dos-part., but I don't
> > know
> > > > the path to it in linux-speak. (It worked fine a week ago, in my first
> > > > attempt, but that was only the "base" system).
> > > > I tried putting /dev/hda1/ but got the error: /dev/hda1/ is not a
> > block
> > > > device.
> > > > What am I doing wrong? (Yes I did check the "Installing debian
> > gnu/Linux"
> > > > manual, but found only basic inst. info., which I am getting familiar
> > > > with...)
> > > > Regards
> > > > Vitux
> > > >
> > > > "Error is human; complete disaster takes a computer."
> > 
> > Since it worked before during a base install, I about half-wonder if that
> > partition
> > didn't get clobbered somehow during that base install. Can you still boot
> > into
> > DOS/Windows okay? If so, then the partition is still fine. If not, then
> > perhaps you
> > need to verify that you are using the correct specification.
> > 
> > To do this, get to a VT screen (if you're in the installer program, you
> > can press
> > Ctrl-Alt-F2 to switch to the second virtual terminal). Then run cfdisk (or
> > fdisk for
> > a more cryptic version); this program will show you what partitions you
> > have where
> > (you've already run this once during the base install, so it should look
> > familiar).
> > 
> > If everything looks fine, you might try mounting the partition manually.
> > Again, from
> > a virtual terminal, as root, type something like this: "mount -t vfat
> > /dev/hda1
> > /drivec"
> > 
> > You'll need to use whatever cfdisk showed as your dos partition in place
> > of the
> > "/dev/hda1", and the "/drivec" directory must already exist. If not, you
> > can create
> > it with "mkdir /drivec". (Alternatively, use "/mnt" instead of "/drivec";
> > it probably
> > already exists.)
> > 
> > One final idea; do an "ls -l /dev/hd* | more" command. This will list all
> > the
> > hd* items in the /dev directory. You should see one named /dev/hda1 (or
> > whatever your
> > dos partition is on) and the first character on the line should be a "b"
> > (next to the
> > "rw-r-----" type stuff, which means it's a block device; c means it's a
> > character
> > device, etc). If it's missing or doesn't have the "b", report it to this
> > list so the
> > more experienced folks can help you out.
> > 
> > 
> -- 
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic      1998-99
Aka Khyron the Backstabber : ICQ# 2325055

"Happiness comes in short spurts.  Don't be fooled."

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