> I don't have an isp for the computer (silly, I know), and I have already
> installed the base system, which seems to be in fine working order. What I
> did was to swap the hd into a WinNT box (on my LAN w/ 100Mbit connection at
> work) and download the lot to that, but I somehow managed to loose the
> directories along the way. I'll try doing another download and remember to
> reformat the dos-partition to vfat to allow long names.
> Thanks again for all the help; I'm slowly beginning to understand...
> Regards
> Vitux

OK it's nice to have dselect (some would say) install your packages,
but if you've got all the .deb files on a hard disk, dpkg will install
them from there whatever their filenames and whatever their directories.

The only difficulty is knowing what to install and when, but dpkg
will check dependencies and make sure it doesn't break anything.
So for example, if everything is in one directory, the brutal approach
is to type
dpkg -i *deb
and let it get on with it. Some debs will unpack but won't configure
because other packages aren't yet configured, so then type
dpkg --configure --pending
and that will configure those.
There's no harm in repeating those two commands; there'll just be a lot
of repetition of unpacking etc. but obviously more dependencies will
be satisfied.

If you don't want to be quite that brutal, I could send you a list of
dselect's first default choice of package's: the one it uses if you
skip the "package selection" step. Then you just type
dpkg -i foo.deb bar.deb etc. etc.
or you can push the list through dpkg --set-selections


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