Yes, this was a great explanation.  Thanks!

And my apologies to Eric:  my response was intended to be good-natured, but
in re-reading it, I guess it actually looks pretty hostile.  Unfortunately,
I didn't really make my point clear.  I didn't mean to try to defend my
"dumb question", or even to defend myself personally.  My reaction was to
the people who are glad that Linux isn't too easy, because they enjoy the
challenge.  Adversity builds character, I guess.

If you like to do things the hard way, then fine.  But it doesn't really
mean that you're more intelligent or more knowledgeable than people who
click a few buttons in a GUI to accomplish the same thing.  Most of us just
don't like spending our leisure time editing files in the /etc directory or
browsing through the kernel headers.  We're not asking to be "spoon-fed" or
to be freed from the burden of thinking; we're just looking for the most
efficient way to do what we want to do.

Thanks to everyone who replied helpfully.

Now, can someone please tell me which package contains the HOWTOs in HTML
format?  :-)

- Kris

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, June 11, 1999 2:35 PM
To: Kirk Hogenson
Cc: Kristopher Johnson;
Subject: Re: BE MORE SIMPLE!!!!

Kirk Hogenson wrote:

[incredibly helpful explanation snipped]
> I hope this helps, and good luck getting your sound card working.
> And please ask here if you run into problems.  You are immune to
> "What a dumb question" attacks if you've read the Howto. :)
> Kirk

I'm not part of this thread, but I just wanted to say that Kirk's
explanation is
EXCELLENT!  It's got non-technospeak explanations; it's got a couple of
real-world examples; it's just a great document. This is what a lot of
newbies want
(and even some of us semi-newbies).

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