On Fri, 11 Jun 1999, E.L. Meijer (Eric) wrote:

> > 
> > Debian installation manual is not at all the worst one. It is quite good
> > actually. But it definetely isn't easy to find on the website instructions
> > how to get started...
> This is getting on my nerves...
> * go to www.debian.org
> * note the section `Getting Started', which is the second below
>   `What is Debian'
> * actually _read_ this section (all of both sentences), and discover you
>   need to click on the link Release information in this section.
> * click
> * Note the header `New Installations', and the links
>     Install Manual for SPARC 
>     Install Manual for Intel x86 
>     Install Manual for Alpha 
>     Install Manual for Motorola 680x0 
>   below it.
> * click on, say `Install Manual for Intel x86' (if that is what you
>   want)
> * you now find yourself reading the installation manual
> All this involves *two* clicks from the main debian pages, and reading
> maybe 30 lines of text.  If this `definitely not easy' for someone, I
> figure this person needs to acquire some more basic computer skills
> before attempting to install anything at all on their computer.

You don't see the problem here?  These links are more or less embedded in
the pages and less than obvious.  I count at least three clicks to even
begin to find info on how to get Debian.

Not to mention, once you find the "Installing Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 For
Intel x86" page, you have to read 20 pages before you even find out what
to download!  Its section 5 where it even begins to say how to get Debian!

At this point, I'd just like to mention that I am very well experienced
with Linux, and I have absolutely no problem installing Debian.  But
around here they call me the local "Linux expert".  I just helped a friend
where in the research lab where I work install Debian on his computer.
This is a guy who uses Solaris every day, and know Xemacs inside and out.
He's an intelligent, and very computer literate person.  Yet it took him
quite a while to just find out what the hell he needed to download!

If it weren't for him having someone like me there, he would have just
gotten fed up and gone with Red Hat.

Without a doubt, the installation instructions on the web need
reorganization.  On the top bar or the page, one of the buttons should be
"Install Debian" or "Get Debian".  It should very plainly give the exact
steps to get started with installing Debian.  The "Intro" under the
"Distribution" link is a good start, but the rest of that page leaves the
newbie confused.

After the "Intro" should be sections describing where to get the floppies,
and how to make them.  This should be a SHORT simple page.  After telling
them how to make the floppies and telling them the next step is to insert
the rescue floppy into the drive, it could THEN refer them to the longer
and more detailed "Installing Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 For" whatever arch

I think my point is that the "meat" of the info is buried way to far in
the site.  Even intelligent people find it difficult to find, its only us
experienced Debian users that don't have a problem with it.

Besides, the web pages have to be revised to use the official logo anyway.

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