You can upgrade to potato using Apt/dselect.  I did this recently after 
purchasing a cheapbytes of Slink. I realized the Xwindows with Slink doesn't 
support my video card.  Anyway, just reinstall your system making the 
partition changes you want, then choose to install packages via Internet, but 
select "dists/unstable main contrib non-free".  Choose the minimum number of 
packages that you can live with at first (cause this take several hours with a 
dial-up) but make sure you get the kernel-source-2.2.9 package so you can 
compile a new kernel.  Of course, if you have to pay for Internet by usage or 
if your connections are often dropped this may not be an ideal solution.  You 
might try ordering a snapshot CD of Potato (check the debian site for who 
supplies them) as this will certainly save the PPP long download.

Eric G. Miller
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