>partition changes you want, then choose to install packages via Internet, but 
>select "dists/unstable main contrib non-free". 

I would say dists/potato instead of dists/unstable; here is why:

I once used dists/unstable, and everything worked fine until the next
debian version changeover (such as the one that will soon occur).  At that
point, since I had told the system to use unstable, I was upgraded to the
NEW unstable. This is not what I expected, and I was surprised when,
suddenly, over a hundred pacakges were upgraded.  And whereas potato
is realtively usable, brand new unstable archives often have many bugs
and pacakging problems.

I am not sure why we actually have those two symlinks (except for historical
purposes) instead of files named 'stable-is-slink' and 'unstable-is-potato', 
but there is probably a good reason.  

Nonetheless, if you don't ALWAYS want the unstable version, use a real 
distribution name instead of 'unstable'.


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