Marc Mongeon wrote:
> But certainly this was intended to be an automated feature, right?
> Is it a flag that you give to dpkg, or the compiled default in some
> later version (I'm running, and have no Contents), or just
> the result of a bunch of Debian users deciding it was a Good Idea
> to schedule a cron job to download this file and put it in 
> /var/lib/dpkg?
> The way this file was referred to in this thread, it really sounded
> like it was something that should exist, unless you took specific
> steps to remove it from your system.

I was the one who suggested looking in this file.  I had it on
my system, and I don't remember downloading it (but the cron job
idea is pretty good!), or copying it off my CDs.

My impression was the everybody would have this file on their system 
automatically, and was surprised that this isn't the case.

Maybe this file *used* to be installed (that's why I had it), but with 
everybody moving to apt and getting updates via the net, it was decided 
that it would be too difficult to keep it up-to-date, and it was
dropped from the slink install.  Just a guess, though.


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