
        Since I was running out of disk space, I realized that under
/var/cache/apt/archives there were all the packages I've been tinkering with
since I last updated the system. I wanted to install a new package, which
would in turn update some others. apt here works by ftp. However, apt
refuses to fecth his files from the ftp server it's been assigned, and tries
to get them from the cache. However, since i cleared that "manually" (I know,
I know, there's a clean flag for apt-get, but...), files aren't there, and
apt-get exits without doing the installation.

        Does anyone have any clues on how to go on about this?
                Thanks in advance,
Jose L Gomez Dans                       PhD student
                                        Radar & Communications Group
                                        Department of Electronic Engineering
                                        University of Sheffield UK

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