Subject: newbie: installing new drivers
        Date: Fri, Jun 18, 1999 at 04:54:10PM -0600

In reply to:David Brode

Quoting David Brode([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> 1.  I just added an ethernet card to my system (3Com SC509TP) and I 
> understand that I'm supposed to use the driver 3c509.  My question is *how* 
> do I get the system to load that driver?  (If I were installing linux again 
> I could use dbootstrap, but I have the feeling there's an easier way.)  The 
> boot msg doesn't have any "eht0" mention or any other mention of the card.

You will have to re-compile the kernel ( read the kernel HOWTO, in

The kernel howto is written for the Slackware dist. so doesn't mention
the Debian way, which uses make-kpkg (man make-kpkg).  For either
method yoy will have to run ( in /usr/src/linux) either make config
(ugh), make menuconfig (!), of if you have X running and are in an
xterm, make xconfig (!!).  The howto exolains this.  You will then
have to select your network card(s) as either modules or compile them
into the kernel.  While you are at it you might try making other
options modules as well. 

Git it a go and come back here if you have more questions.

> 2.  how would your answer change if I told you I had TWO ethernet cards I 
> wanted to install?
It would not change at all.  I mught add something about the file
/etc/conf.modules but it is too soon to bother you with that now.
1, 2, or 3 cards, mox nix, you still have to comĀ¶ile the kernel.


"Has anyone had problems with the computer accounts?"
"Yes, I don't have one."
"Okay, you can send mail to one of the tutors ..."
                -- E. D'Azevedo, Computer Science 372

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