
Lex Chive:
> On Sat, Jul 03, 1999 at 06:28:37PM +0200, Sami Dalouche wrote:
> > > It's one thing to send Christmas gifs to people that are a couple of
> > > hundred bytes long; it's quite a different story when it's a huge,
> > > uncompressed bitmap which does exactly the same job. Sadly, in most
> > > e-mail clients either would be just a filename, with no immediate
> > > indication of how big it really is.
> > 
> > If u insist to have a such function, maybe Mutt can do that...
> > 
> Mutt is not (should not) be concerned with fetching mail. From the doc:

I think something was lost somewhere along the way...

My paragraph above was talking about MUAs (especially under Windows) that
let the user attach huge files without so much as showing the size, much
less warning if it's bigger than 50K.

50K is the rule of thumb suggested by RFC 1855.

We'll know the future has arrived when every mailer transparently
quotes lines that begin with "From ", but no-one remembers why.

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