About the 'no home' ting: it means that the system couldn't cd to the user's
homedir after assuming the identity of the user.   Usually this means
that /home isn't mounted, or wasn't mounted when you added the user, but
you may have other reasons.  Just make sure that the entry in /etc/passwd
for the user accurately reflects their homedir, then 'chown -R user ~user'
and 'chmod -R u+rwX ~user'.

To get a log of when the users logged on, there are many utilities.
'last' provides a short listing; the 'sac' program can analyze
the logins in several ways and is probably more than you will need.

I am not sure that listing the users' commands is legal (but I'm not a
lawyer so don't ask me) or desirable.  It's called 'process accounting' in
Unix-land, so try searching for that term and see if you can find
anything.   Note that .bash_history was NOT meant for this purpose, so
any non-trivial use of it will have problems.


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