Quoting Patrick Kirk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Hi all,
> When I add users, they get this when they login:
> enterprise login: newuser
> Password:
> No directory, logging in with HOME=/
> No mail.
> Why is no home directory available for them and how do I get the system to
> create default directories by appending the username to /home?

Perhaps you used useradd without enough switches. I prefer adduser.
Create then as root and copy the contents of /etc/skel to them.
> I need to be able to print off a log of when they were logged on and what
> commands were used.  Printing  .bash_history will do half of this but I'd
> like to be able to link commands and dates.  How do I do this?

Install admin/acct, I guess. I've had trouble in the past with
/var/account/pacct growing out of control, so I don't use it.
.bash_history is useless because you can prevent commands appearing
if there's an initial space by setting HISTCONTROL (man bash).


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
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