> On Mon, 19 Jul 1999, Joel Gautschi wrote:
> > I have a debian (slink) pc at home. Sometimes I want to update
> > some packages or even the whole system - f.e. to a later debian
> > dist. the problem is that I don't have a static connection to the
> > internet (or sth like that) at home.  My connection isn't fast
> > enough if i want to upgrade to a later debain-dist... (-> it would
> > cost a lot of money). the best solution would be if I could....
> > generate a list of the needed packages for upgrade on my linux pc
> > at home (f.e. with apt-get). 
> I'm somewhat sharing this problem. My problem is now to install
> Debian in a machine. It is connected to the net, but I cannot make
> that connection using Linux at the moment. The base is already
> installed, but 
> 1) I wanted to install a predefined standard system.  2) How can I
> get easily a list of the packages needed? 
> I could put all the neede packages on a zip-disk. Both win and
> debian can read and write on that zip-disk, but the netconnection is
> now only with win95.   

Looks a little tricky, but doable. What you'll need to do is copy
files from a Debian FTP mirror on to your Zip disk or other media, and
put them in a directory /dists/unstable/main/binary-i386 (or whatever
your architecture is). To get dselect to prompt you for packages with
"standard" priority and updated base packages, copy the Packages.gz
and Release files to binary-i386. Then, on your Debian machine, add
this to your /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb file:/mnt/ unstable main

Assuming you mounted the zip disk on /mnt. Then do "apt-get-update."
This *should* fool apt into thinking the lastest versions of packages
are availible. Go into dselect's [S]elect step and write down
everything that you need to get (There's probably an automatic way to
do this, I don't know.)

Now you can get the packages from your local mirror of ftp.debian.org
over the fast connection, and dump them in binary-i386/. At thins
point I would just mount the disk and do "dpkg -i *.deb", but you can
also use dpkg-scanpackages to recreate the Packages file, and then
just gzip it and run apt-get upgrade (or dist-upgrade).

Anyway, disclaimer: if you don't want to go potato, just replace
"unstable" with "stable". I have not tested this at all!! it may be
wrong somewhere. If so, email me, so that I can figure it out for you
and have the right answer next time. Hope this helps.

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