I believe there's a "APT Offline Howto" that is just what your looking
for.  I can't seem to find it since my recent update that moved
documentation all over kingdom come.  Search in the debian docs on

On 19 Jul, Joel Gautschi wrote:
  |  I want to do the following thing:
  |  I have a debian (slink) pc at home. Sometimes I want to update some 
  |  or even the whole system - f.e. to a later debian dist. the problem is that
  |  I don't have a static connection to the internet (or sth like that) at 
  |  My connection isn't fast enough if i want to upgrade to a later
  |  debain-dist... (-> it would cost a lot of money). the best solution would 
  |  if I could.... generate a list of the needed packages for upgrade on my
  |  linux pc at home (f.e. with apt-get). then I want to take this list to a NT
  |  workstation at firm (where we have a static internet connection) and
  |  download there the needed debian packages (automaticly with help of the
  |  generated list on my pc). any ideas how I can do that?
  |  regards
  |  Joel Gautschi
  |  aka J-freak / Carrots
  |  http://www.game-over.ch/


Eric G. Miller
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