On Mon, Jul 19, 1999 at 10:35:46PM -0300, Chris Dion wrote:
> I'm new to both Linux in general and the debian distribution
> specifically. I found that dselect, though awkward at first, was rather
> easy to use and quite powerful.  That's not to say that the interface
> couldn't be improved somewhat.  Is work on dselect ongoing, and is the
> source available? If so, I'd like to take some of the suggestions and
> concerns voiced on this list and have a go at improving the tool. 
> That's assuming my programming skills are up to the task ; )

About the only thing I can help you with here is the location of the
source code.  If you have apt installed, then running

        apt-get source dpkg

will fix you right up.  I looked at it, but there's not much I can
do (not C/C++ programmer).


[Private mail welcome, but no need to CC: me on list replies.]

Michael Merten -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
          ---> NRA Life Member -- http://www.nra.org
          ---> Debian GNU/Linux Fan -- http://www.debian.org
          ---> CenLA-LUG Founder -- http://www.angelfire.com/la2/cenlalug
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