Well, I've actually used Partition Magic (the boot disk) to resize ext2 
partitions.  I'd
imagine that it can move them around just as successfully.

-Aaron Solochek

virtanen wrote:

> On Tue, 20 Jul 1999, Stephen Pitts wrote:
> > On Mon, Jul 12, 1999 at 10:38:03AM +0300, virtanen wrote:
> > >
> > > Is there any way to change the partion table without a complete reinstall?
> > >
> > Look at ext2resize on freshmeat (www.freshmeat.net..the search box is at 
> > the top).
> > Although it says that it is ALPHA, you might try it.
> >
> > Reply with the output of 'df' on your system, and we can figure out a way
> > to safely move stuff around.
> I've downloaded ext2resize. Let's see if I've got courage to try it!
> My debian-computer is at home. It isn't networked. The other computer at
> my working-place is.
> (With that networked computer I've got big difficulties in installing
> debian. I managed to install the base. But It seems that it doesn't really
> accept any cd-rom istallation. At some place the whole thing just shuts
> down (the power goes off suddently) while installing packages from the
> cd-rom drive. (CD drive is just a normal atapi. But I realized that even
> the base doesn't start if there is a cd in during booting. The system has
> got w95 on the same disk as I'm trying to put debian. The system has got
> 'an automatic power-off system', when I stop w95. I suspect that it that
> has something to do with the problem. I posted earlier some details about
> the bios, but no-one has yet told, if they had any similar problems.)
> -hv
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