On Wed, 21 Jul 1999, Keith G. Murphy wrote:

> > That box of mine has got only debian. Will not let m$ and partition magic
> > in.
> > 
> No problem.  What he's referring to is a standalone boot disk that you
> can create (you'd have to have a Win95 system somewhere that you can use
> to make it).  

I'm not so sure about that. All win95 done by some mysterious small
forgotten company, which invented the hard currency called m$ have already
long time ago vanished from this area. Probably because it was forbidden
to make any copies of them...  

> Once you have that,  you just boot off of it and
> PartitionMagic does its, well, magic.  (It brings up a sort of
> stripped-down Win95, apparently).  At least if it has the drivers for
> your disk devices.  I guess you might have problems if the drives hung
> off a SCSI controller or something.

Where to get that PaMa then, if I'll get from some soneaged forgotten cave
a win95? 


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