I have qmail running as an MTA on my potato system. I think I didn't get it as a .deb (probably because there isn't one? I am not sure), and just downloaded it and installed in /usr/local. Well, yesterday I tried 'apt-get install mutt' and guess what? apt refused to download mutt because it depends on a "mail-transfer-agent" and such a beast was not to be found in dpkg's database. I've tried persuading apt in a variety of ways, but it didn't budge: "When I say no, I mean no!". So out of pure frustration I installed postfix, which of course, placated apt and I was able to get mutt. Now I am quite sure that running qmail and postfix simultaneously isn't the greatest of ideas and I'd rather stick with qmail (unless the esteemed Debian public thinks that postfix is much better). However I suspect that apt will throw a fit if I uninstall postfix and try to leave mutt installed (and getting upgrades will probably hurt, too). So, can somebody tell me how to persuade apt to let me use mutt with a non-deb qmail?


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