Kaa wrote:
> I have two machines plugged into a cable modem. Both have IP
> addresses
> provided by the ISP. One is 24.6.xxx.xxx, and the other is
> 24.5.xxx.xxx.
> Theoretically that's all fine 'cause 24. is an A class
> network. However the
> ISP says that the netmask for these addresses should be
>, that
> is, they are subnetting their class A net. And herein lies
> the problem:
> looking at their netmask the machines believe they are on
> separate networks
> and so to talk to each other they need the upstream machines
> -- the gateways
> for each of them -- to be up. That doesn't happen all the
> time and anyway, I
> want these two machines to be able to talk to each other
> without involving
> the upstream machines at all.
> So, my question is: can I simply set the netmask to
> on both of
> them and put appropriate entries into the /etc/hosts file? Is
> this likely to
> break anything? Alternatively, can I use arp to specify the
> Ethernet address
> - IP address correspondence, or something will get confused?

Neither plan is good. Please remember that cable modems are broadcast
networks. Your ISP, @Home, uses that Class A as subnetted Class C's for good
reason.  If @Home is unwilling to assign you two addresses in the same
subnet (I assume you asked, right?) there are a number of two to deal with

Option 1: Two NIC's.
        Add a second NIC in each computer and assign a ambiguous (private) IP
network. The classic is Look at RFC

Option 2: Set one box up as a Proxy Server
        That box gets two NIC's, the other one. You use ONE IP address. Your ISP
sees only one computer. Use the private IP behind the firewall.

> And a semi-related question: on a pure Win98 machine, how do
> you find out
> the Ethernet address of the NIC card? I tried looking through
> the registry,
> but didn't find anything that looked right.

There is a netstat utility, I'm not sure if it's in the Resource Kit or
ships with the product.

/* Mike Lieberman                            [EMAIL PROTECTED] */
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/*                       Net Wright LLC                         */
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