Thank you. This is OK for me. BTW, which applications you use, which
depend on libc20? Is it matlab or what? Mathematica people were wise to
compile their 3.0 version static.


On Fri, 6 Aug 1999, Guilherme Soares Zahn wrote:

> > I want to ask if it is safe to upgrade slink's libc-2.0 to potato's
> > libc-2.1. Are there some slink packages dependent specifically on libc2.0,
> > which would not work with libc-2.1?
> Well... I'd say for 99% of the people I know the glibc2.1 worked wonderfully, 
> and
> they're very happy with it... Unfortunately, though, I stand on the other 1%, 
> and I
> must tell you... after a while it gets REALLY hard to do a downgrade in the 
> glibc (as
> everything else in my potato system is now glibc2.1-dependent)... In my 
> personal
> case, the problem was that I HAVE to run some scientific analysis programs 
> that
> simply refuse to run since I installed the glibc2.1 (there's rumors that they 
> have
> eliminated some ¨under-the-roof¨ instructions that shouldn't be used anyway, 
> but
> those programs used)...
> Anyway, bottom line is that, IMHO, if you only use ¨regular¨ Debian programs 
> (the
> ones usually distributed with it or with any other Linux distribution like 
> RedHat,
> Caldera or such) there should be no problem at all...
> []'s
> Guilherme Zahn

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