> Thank you. This is OK for me. BTW, which applications you use, which
> depend on libc20? Is it matlab or what? Mathematica people were wise to
> compile their 3.0 version static.

Well... unfortunately (did I REALLY say that? ;-) it's not a commercial suite, 
but a
freeware group-developed suite called RadWare (created by David Radford, of the 
Oak Ridge
National Laboratory). It is very useful for Nuclear Spectroscopy Analysis, 
specially for
gamaXgama coincidence experiments... Anyway, I've already written Mr. Radford 
to see if
he's already aware of that problem (and if he knows of any worakaround or 
unfortunately I'm quite ignorant about both C and Fortran (what is my Pascal 
useful for,
anyway? ;-), so I can't even try to hack the code ¨by hand¨...


Guilherme Zahn

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