Edit /etc/X11/XF86Config so that the virtual resolution is equal to the
actual resolution.  Or if you have several available resolutions, try
ctrl-alt-+ to switch to a higher resolution.

On Sun, Aug 08, 1999 at 02:07:52PM -0700, André Bell wrote:
> >How do I set the resolution for xwindows applications?
> >
> >I know with win95 I just right click on the desktop and resize it.  But
> >with my debian installation my applications are too large for the screen
> >and I have to scroll up, down, left, and right to see the rest of the
> >screen  -- what a pain!
> >
> >I've tried formatting and repartioning and reinstalling debian to see if I
> >missed a step during installation and I can't figure what I setup
> incorrectly.
> >Please help.
> Oh, I want the entire "desktop" to show on the screen without having to
> scroll all over the place to see portions of the screen....
> -- 
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