
Due to various laws and licenses, the non-free and non-US packages and
directories are not on the CD-ROM's, for good reason. 

Answer "none" for the non-free and non-US stuff, finish installing your
packages selected, then change your Access method to APT go online and do
an Update to get the non-US and non-free packages listed in your Select

On Mon, 30 Aug 1999, Ron Stordahl wrote:

> I am trying to do a fresh install of Debian 2.1r2 using the 4 disk set.
> I am following 'Installing Debian GNU/Linix For Intal x86' as well as
> dselect Documentation for Beginners.
> After about a half a dozen unsuccessful installs I am now going to do this
> step by step, not proceeding when I receive error messages or am faced with
> questions for which I do not know the answer.
> Here is where I am now:
> I have successfuly reached 7.23 (see the first mentioned reference) Select
> and Install Profiles.  There I selected Work_std (for standard workstation).
> At that point I was told to skip the [S] step, since the selection of
> packages was made by virtue of selecting Work_std, and rather I should just
> use "A, U and go to I afterward."
> The second document refered to above describes the multi_cd method and
> advises that I should begin with the second binary CD, i.e. CD 2 and I have
> done so.
> Immediatly I am told:
> "I can't find the non-free '' file.  The information in the
> '' file is important........."
> finally leading to the point at which I am stopped:
> 'Where is the _non-fee_ '' file (if none is available, say
> 'none') [ ] ?
> If I answer none to this I will be beginning the path which I took the
> previous half a dozen times and make no forward progress.
> So what is the correct answer to this question?  And how could I be expected
> to know the answer in the first place.  Keep in mind that I have the full 4
> disc set, I have read the documentation noted above and have no idea of what
> the correct answer should be.
> Thanks
> Ron
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