Sorry for so many messages.  Too much coffee makes me too quick to hit

Does the "Update" step work correctly?  (Do you see the CD-ROM light up
and does the system respond appropriately that the available packages have
been updated?

On Mon, 30 Aug 1999, Ron Stordahl wrote:

> Nathan Duehr replied:
> > Ron,
> >
> > Due to various laws and licenses, the non-free and non-US packages and
> > directories are not on the CD-ROM's, for good reason.
> >
> > Answer "none" for the non-free and non-US stuff, finish installing your
> > packages selected, then change your Access method to APT go online and do
> > an Update to get the non-US and non-free packages listed in your Select
> > list.
> >
> Thus I answered 'none' to the question regarding the non-free and non-US
> packges
> only to be confronted with the same question regarding '_local_'
> file.
> Moving forward I have also answered 'none' to this although unlike non-free
> and non-US
> it would seem that I have no good reason to so answer.. but here goes.
> Having done that and selecting [ I ] for install I immediately get
> 'installation script returned
> error exit status 1'  Then press RETURN to continue which returns me to the
> 'dselect'
> package handling frontend.
> At this point I would guess the install has basically failed, so there is no
> point in not
> trying CD 1 starting with [U] for update:
> I did that and it immediately failed with 'installation script returned
> error exit status 1'.
> So it looks like my install is dead!
> Can it be this difficult?
> Ron

| Nate Duehr - [EMAIL PROTECTED]    | Support Amateur Radio & Linux! |
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| UNIX Hack, Perl Hack, Tech-Freak  |  Grid Square: DM79             |
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