On Sat, Sep 04, 1999 at 12:53:25PM -0400, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> (Please CC: me on replied. Thanks.)
> I am at wit's end here -- I have a `network' installation of StarOffice 5.1
> here at home for use by myself and my wife. It works fine, but just won't
> print. I even re-downloaded 5.1 again, and reinstalled, but no luck.  The
> machine is current potato with lpd and magicfilter installed and working.
> Does anybody out here have an idea?

What distribution are you using, slink or potato?
It seems that some StarOffice functionalities hang when running over potato 
with libc6 2.1. It does work fine with slink (libc6 2.0.7) indeed.

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