Dirk> I am at wit's end here -- I have a `network' installation of
  Dirk> StarOffice 5.1 here at home for use by myself and my wife. It works
  Dirk> fine, but just won't print. I even re-downloaded 5.1 again, and
  Dirk> reinstalled, but no luck.  The machine is current potato with lpd and
  Dirk> magicfilter installed and working.

  Julio>  What distribution are you using, slink or potato?

"Current" Potato (see end of penultimate line above). 

  Julio> It seems that some StarOffice functionalities hang when running over
  Julio> potato with libc6 2.1. It does work fine with slink (libc6 2.0.7)
  Julio> indeed.

Yes, that's like it. Whenever it attempts to print, it hangs and starts
several soffice.bin processes which I have to kill hard (kill -9, sometime
even xkill). 

So then it's now me but rather glibc and staroffice?  

According to the latest figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless.

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