Ok, I got sound working. In fact I believe I discovered an UNWANTED FEATURE
# modconf 

When I first tried to use modconf to insert the module, I
specified the wrong parameters and the module installation failed. The
modconf utility wrote the parameters to /etc/conf.modules anyway and when
I DID actually specify the correct parameters with modconf or manually
using the modprobe command, the old parameters in /etc/conf.modules were
still in the file. Here is the UNWANTED FEATURE I see in modconf. If a
module installation fails with modconf, it should not write the parameters
to /etc/conf.modules . I suppose I can take a look at fixing it.

Where do I find the source for modconf, and who is the maintainer?


On Sat, Sep 04, 1999 at 03:30:24PM -0700, Brian E. Lavender wrote:
> I am trying to install my SoundBlaster WaveEffects 16 PNP card and I
> am having a hell of a time getting this thing going. First I got the
> card to configure using isapnp, as you can see below. Then I tried
> using modprobe to activate the sb module. Once that failed, I tried the
> sound module, but that failed too.  As I understand, these modules will
> insert the necessary required dependency modules too. As you can see,
> modprobe gives me an error.  I have tried modconf too. It failed with the
> same error, but as I understand, all this does is automatically update
> /etc/modules.conf and add the modprobe command to a startup script. So,
> if I can't get it to work with modprobe, the modconf will not work either.
> I checked /lib/modules/2.2.10/misc and both the modules are there. What is 
> wrong
> here?
> brian
> debian:~# isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf
> lspci not found, so PCI resource conflict not checked
> Board 1 has Identity 6d ff ff ff ff f0 00 8c 0e:  CTL00f0 Serial No -1 
> [checksum 6d]
> CTL00f0/-1[0]{Audio               }: Ports 0x220 0x330 0x388; IRQ5 DMA1 DMA5 
> --- Enabled O
> K
> debian:/usr/src/linux# modprobe sb io=0x220 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330 irq=5
> /lib/modules/2.2.10/misc/sound.o: invalid parameter io
> sound: No such file or directory
> sound: No such file or directory
> debian:/usr/src/linux# modprobe sound io=0x220 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330 
> irq=5
> /lib/modules/2.2.10/misc/sound.o: invalid parameter io
> debian:/usr/src/linux#
> -- 
> Brian Lavender
> http://www.brie.com/brian/
> -- 
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Brian Lavender

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