On Mon, Sep 06, 1999 at 10:22:57PM +1200, Matthew Gregan wrote:
> The source is available at ftp.debian.org (and mirrors), or if you have
> apt-get set up correctly (you probably need the newer apt-get from
> netgod.net if you're running slink):
> # cd <my-src-dir>
> # apt-get source modconf
> And then hack away.
> If you have a new enough apt-get that supports the 'source' command but
> don't have it set up correctly, you need something like this added to
> your /etc/apt/sources.list:
> deb-src http://http.us.debian.org/debian stable main contrib non-free

Matthew, could you perhaps give a quick example of using the apt-get source
dealy? Why would one use it over apt-get install? Yeah, to get the source,
but where does the source get stored, and once you have hacked on the source
a bit, is there a nice debian way of compiling? :)

Thanks :)

Seth Arnold | http://www.willamette.edu/~sarnold/
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