All, and lonelyforever

I wrote:
> Repeated, canned message regarding this subjet:
> Please send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dang. Too early in the AM Sorry. I keep a generic file on
(un)subscribe. Clearly I edited the following line in my sleep. 

Please please make that 

> Repeated, canned message regarding this subjet:
> Please send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Besides this, I was not as nice I want to be with folks entering 
and leaving the list. 

Apologies proffered.


On Thu, 9 Sep 1999, David Teague wrote:

> On 8 Sep 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > unsubscribe
> I sent the enclosed canned message to you in response
> to this request before. I iterate:
> Please send requests for subscription/unsubscription to 
> or use the web site   
> Repeated, canned message regarding this subjet:
> Please send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                                 ^^^^^^ 
> with unsubscribe as the only word in the subject, and with empty
> body or with unsubscribe as the only word in the body, and with
> empty subject.  This one line, issued at the command prompt,
> mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] </dev/null
> ought to do it.
> If you need to contact a human listmaster, direct your mail to
> machines in case one is off line.
> Please don't send unsubscribe messages to the list, that doesn't
> work. Best of Luck to you!

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