On Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 10:39:23PM -0500, rich wrote:
> Thanks Seth! It seems lately that many questions go unanswered, much
> less answered in such a thorough manner... I'm sure that your advice
> will help me...

Well, many are above my head, so I let them lie rather than give patently
wrong info. (Which doesn't prevent me from giving the direction to look in
if I think I have a clue :)

Although, there are so many questions and answers posted here each day (70
between the time I checked before bed, and when I woke up!) that I often
feel I will be duplicating or triplicating answers when I am so far behind
in the list. (There are actually about 100 messages in here I have yet to
read, and I doubt I will get to them ever..) So, sometimes when I know the
answer, I don't answer right away, but continue reading forward, hoping to
find an answer -- or hoping to remember at the end that someone wanted an

And the thing is, the problem is because people *are* so helpful.

hehe. :)

lovely bunch this debian crowd. :)

> > > Howdy everyone,
> > > 
> > > I was wondering: what are the tools available in Debian that one would
> > > consider part of the "standard" toolbox of a programmer?
> > 
> > 
> > Well, it all depends on the programmer, I suppose. :) You need a good text
> > editor. For me, that is vim. (As another debian-user reader pointed out,
> > "You can take my Vim when you pry it from my cold, dead hands." Same goes
> > for me, but it might be more difficult. :) For others, that might be elvis
> > or emacs or whatever else. In any case, you need a good one, one that you
> > know well.
> > 
> > You should have the compiler for whatever language you want to play in. For
> > java, you need the jdk. (I think I have all four jdk* packages installed on
> > my system..) For C, you need gcc. 
> > 
> > One thing that I dabbled with over the summer is makefiles -- wonderfully
> > amazing things. With the right Makefile you can type :make in vim and it
> > will rebuild your source, and jump to the first line with errors, and let
> > you step through all the lines with errors. I am sure emacs offers the same
> > setup.
> > 
> > If you want to do much C programming, and you have X window installed, then
> > check out ddd -- a GUI frontend to gdb (very much nicer to a newbie such as
> > myself) as well as some other debuggers (rumored to also include the java
> > debugger, though I haven't tested that.)
> > 
> > If you want to do Perl programming, well, your Debian system should have
> > come with that preinstalled. If you don't know perl, then buy one of two
> > books: Learning Perl, by Randal L Swartz (I hope I got that right) or
> > Programming Perl, by Tom Christianson and Larry Wall. Which one you buy
> > depends on your programming experience. At some point you *will* want
> > Programming Perl, so you might as well buy that one, and if it goes over
> > your head (like it did mine my first trip through it) grab Learning Perl,
> > and then try again. :)
> > 
> > as for other bits of the toolbox, you need to use manpages, (perldoc has
> > perl info, the C ones are harder to find; I don't think there is one manpage
> > that lists all the other C-based manpages..) grep, find, and maybe other
> > bits too.
> > 
> > :)
> -- 
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Seth Arnold | http://www.willamette.edu/~sarnold/
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