On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, rich wrote:

> Thanks Seth! It seems lately that many questions go unanswered, much
> less answered in such a thorough manner... I'm sure that your advice
> will help me...

i sometimes let questions i know go unanswered because i don't know enough
to be helpful, and i know there's others who know more on the subject.

It is too bad that so many never get a response though...

> > You should have the compiler for whatever language you want to play in. For
> > java, you need the jdk. (I think I have all four jdk* packages installed on
> > my system..) For C, you need gcc. 

Also for C, you'll need the header files for any libraries you use. This
means you want to download the libc6-dev package, the stdc++??-dev
(??==2.10 for potato, i don't know for slink) if you program in C++. If
you do X programming, xlib6[g?]-dev is good, as well as the -dev package
for qt, gtk, or whatever you want. If you'd rather do a GUI in ncurses,
get that -dev package. And so on and so on and so on ;)

> > One thing that I dabbled with over the summer is makefiles -- wonderfully
> > amazing things. With the right Makefile you can type :make in vim and it
> > will rebuild your source, and jump to the first line with errors, and let
> > you step through all the lines with errors. I am sure emacs offers the same
> > setup.

If you can get them figured out, the GNU autoconf and automake tools are
wonderful for making a full-featured makefile. For a small, single source
file project these might be overkill though.

A question: if the error is in a different file than the one currently
loaded in vim, will vim load that file for you and jump to the line? If
so, i'm going to start using vim instead of nvi!

> > If you want to do Perl programming, well, your Debian system should have
> > come with that preinstalled. If you don't know perl, then buy one of two
> > books: Learning Perl, by Randal L Swartz (I hope I got that right) or
> > Programming Perl, by Tom Christianson and Larry Wall.

Programming Perl is a great book. If you plan on perl programming, be sure
to get it!

> > as for other bits of the toolbox, you need to use manpages, (perldoc has
> > perl info, the C ones are harder to find; I don't think there is one manpage
> > that lists all the other C-based manpages..) grep, find, and maybe other
> > bits too.

For C manpages, check the manpages-dev package. Also, remember that the
'manual' for some headers is in the header file itself. If worst comes to
worst, RTFS ;)

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