Check your /etc/suid.conf file, if you have one. :)

On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 08:20:39PM -0600, Art Lemasters wrote:
>      One account on my system (e.g., one user in the /home directory)
> has had its group permission changed to from x to s without my doing
> so, a couple of times.  For example, in the /home directory, one user
> directory permission looked thusly:
> drwxr-sr-x   16 user  user  1024  Sep 29 18:00  user
>      I did not manually chmod the permissions that way.  What
> might have caused this, and what are the implications, anyone?
> Thanks for any leads on this, and yes, I have changed that group
> permission back to "x" each time this occured.
> Art
> -- 
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