On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 08:20:39PM -0600, Art Lemasters wrote:
>      One account on my system (e.g., one user in the /home directory)
> has had its group permission changed to from x to s without my doing
> so, a couple of times.  For example, in the /home directory, one user
> directory permission looked thusly:
> drwxr-sr-x   16 user  user  1024  Sep 29 18:00  user
>      I did not manually chmod the permissions that way.  What
> might have caused this, and what are the implications, anyone?
> Thanks for any leads on this, and yes, I have changed that group
> permission back to "x" each time this occured.

The user can set it this way in purpose (since they own the directory).
It allows them to force the group that new files are created under (only
groups they are members of though, so it's safe). The user gains no extra
priviledges by doing this, so you can safely let them set it this way.

Other instances where this is useful is is group working directory, such
as a CVS repository.


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