Another alternative is simply to create a directory under /usr/local such
as /usr/local/tmp and then do:

apt-get dist-upgrade -o dir::cache=/usr/local/tmp

That will use the (for most people) much larger USR partition
and will give you plenty of space to upgrade.  That worked good for
me until I got mostly fully upgraded to potato, and now I use /var
again because I am only upgrading 15-20 packages at a time.



On Fri, 15 Oct 1999, Andrew Hately wrote:

> "David J. Kanter" wrote:
> > 
> > I'd like to make a new partition for /var because I don't have enough drive
> > space where /var is currently mounted (/) to run apt-get dist-upgrade.
> > What's the best way of doing this? I can create a new /var partition because
> > I've got plenty of available drive space, but what set-up files will I have
> > to modify to make sure things go smoothly?
> > 
> > I assume I'll have to change fstab. But then do I have to move all contents
> > of the current /var to the new /var? Could I create the new partition using
> > a temporary name, move all the /var stuff to it, then rename it to /var?
> Thats what I would suggest.
> Stop everything you can, copy the contents and do the final swapover in one
> line, just in case
> # mv /var /old_var ; mv /new_var /var
> Another alternative is to create a whole new, bigger, root partition, copy
> everyting to that, boot it from a rescue floppy and once there 
> 1) make it bootable, fix up /etc/fstab and /etc/lilo.conf and run lilo
> 2) remove the original root partition and replace it with an enlarged
> verion.
> It depends what else you've got on the disk, how much time you have, etc.
> Andrew
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