I forgot:

IF you can give lilo some boot parameters.
You could try: "linux 3" or "linux single"
This will put you in runlevel 3 or 1...

Then you can do the editing or repairs...

Good luck,


At 06:56 PM 10/21/99 -0600, jh wrote:
>Is there a way to keep debian from trying to start x at start up? I messed
>up the resolution and can't read anything. I think MS products sometimes
>use F8. How about debian? Is there any other way to get to the command line
>and re-run xf86config? I tried using my boot disk, but this too tried to
>start x. I got into this trouble because I do not know my systems settings.
>It is a vga monitor. I thought I set the resolution quite low. Thank you
>for any help you can give.
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