On Thu, 4 Nov 1999, Manuel Arenaz Silva wrote:

> In first place, you have to decompress the debian-guide.tar.bz2 file by using:
>               tar -xvIf debian-guide.tar.bz2
> This command generates following files...

You seem to be right. It was another book I tried decompress earlier.

> compile the file debian-tutorial.tex by using latex. In my linux box the
> compiling process stops because the file "html.sty" is not installed. 
> Where can this
> file by obtained from? Is it available in any package?

I ended with the same problem... 

who knows? whre to get html.sty? 


did you already try latex2html or/and html2latex? 

It seems to be in one of these, because it started to work after
dselecting them, but... I didn't succeed anyway...

there were a lot of errors occuring and I cannot load the resulting 'dvi

but you might be more lucky!


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