I don't know a thing about the debian-guide package and this answer seems 
obvious so
forgive me if I'm offbase here.
I see html.sty in the directory you listed but the permissions are wrong. Doing 
'chmod o+r html.sty' in that directory should fix your problem.

Chris Schleifer

Manuel Arenaz Silva wrote:

> > I've tried some three times to get a book compressed in that bz2 format
> > uncomperessed to a readable version. But no LaTex, TeX or LyX ever could
> > read that stuff.
> >
> > Is there something in general wrong with that bz2 format or are there
> > available some brand new TeX formats, which no Slink latex can read?
> In first place, you have to decompress the debian-guide.tar.bz2 file by using:
>               tar -xvIf debian-guide.tar.bz2
> This command generates following files:
> -rwxr-xr-x   1 1000     arenaz         55 Jun 10 21:02 clean.sh
> -rw-r--r--   1 1000     arenaz     412100 Jul  1 18:16 coart.eps
> -rw-r--r--   1 1000     arenaz     347507 Nov  3 12:26 debian-tutorial.tex
> -rw-r--r--   1 1000     arenaz      27378 Jun  6 21:32 debian.cls
> -rw-r--r--   1 1000     arenaz       8606 Jun  7 03:37 debian10.clo
> -rw-r--r--   1 root     root         1048 Nov  3 12:05 debian10.log
> -rw-r-----   1 arenaz   3400        24367 Nov  3 12:11 html.sty
> drwxr-sr-x   2 1000     arenaz       1024 Jul  1 18:16 images
> -rwxr-xr-x   1 1000     arenaz        258 Jun 11 17:39 remake.sh
> Now you can compile the file debian-tutorial.tex by using latex. In my linux 
> box the
> compiling process stops because the file "html.sty" is not installed. Where 
> can this
> file by obtained from? Is it available in any package?
> Thanks,
>               Manuel Arenaz
> --
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