On Mon, Nov 15, 1999 at 02:08:57AM -0500, Ian Stirling wrote:
> Brad wrote:
> > You do realize that if gif support were in the main gimp package, then
> > the entire thing would have to go into nonfree, right? Since The Gimp is
> > GPLed, Debian has every right to remove gif support and redistribute those
> > sources to make the whole thing libre. If you really don't like that,
> > you're free to go download the sources and compile them for yourself.
> I realize that Brad. Debian should rename 'the gimp' to
> 'debian gimp' when they take the legitimate liberty of
> modifying gpl software. And I did that: I fetched the
> pristine gimp from the gimp site.

I think it is a bad idea to call it `debian gimp'.  If you do that you
suggest that debian has a heavily modified, enhanced version of gimp.
If I were one of the gimp developers I wouldn't like it if someone (say
Corel) would take it, remove some plugins, and then tack their name on
it (`Corel gimp'??).


 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (SKA)

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