Hi all,

> A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...
> > How would a user find out the IP address assigned to eth0.  This is a
> > normal user, not a sys-op, so he doesn't have access to ifconfig.
> Even a normal user can run ifconfig; the normal user just can't change
> anything with ifconfig.
> Run this as a normal user:
> '/sbin/ifconfig eth0'

I think that was the whole point. A user doesn't have /sbin in their path by
default on most machines, so typing just a straight "ifconfig" at the prompt
usually doens't get anyone where.

There's a lesson for ya. Always try the full path to something before you
convince yourself you don't have access/can't see the file.


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 92811750

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