* Ron Hale-Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> At 08:05 PM 12/6/99 +0100, Colin Marquardt wrote:
>> * Eric G Miller <egm2@jps.net> writes:
>>> If you don't need them to be CMR fonts (which I don't think Acrobat can
>>> display well), try '\usepackage{times}'. That'll give you Postscript 1
>>> fonts. Since AcroReader only understands 11 fonts, *only* Times Roman,
>>> Helvetica, Courier [New?], and Zapf Dingbats will render well on the
>>> display (though bitmap fonts print fine in my experience). The only
>> That assumes one is going the ps2pdf route (which uses gs). 
>> Hopefully, gs 6.0 will remove that limitation, but that is not
>> entirely clear.  (Just to state that this is not a limitation of the
>> PDF format...)  pdftex (and, AFAIK, dvipdfm) work fine with
>> non-standard fonts.

> Ah. I missed part of this conversation. So if I use Slink gs then I am
> doomed to lousy PDF files with anything but Times and friends? Now I
> understand.....

Argh, I missed my own statement in the post I just sent. Going to bed 
now :-)

Colin Marquardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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