On 12/06/99, Ron Hale-Evans addressed "Re: Using Computer Modern PS fonts with 
> Thanks for your help. I have ae.sty with slink. I tried it at your
> recommendation, but am still getting the ugly Type 3 CM fonts in my PDF file.
> For the record, these are the steps I am taking:
> $ latex foo
> $ dvips foo -o foo.ps
> $ ps2pdf foo.ps foo.pdf

Ah, yes.  I've been using ae with pdflatex.  I don't remember if that
was a part of Slink's teTeX either.  Pdflatex makes a pdf directly 
instead of a dvi.  Apparently, pdf's are similar in structure to dvi's,
and it does a pretty good job.  To use it, you just substitute the
latex command with pdflatex.  Images also must be included a bit

Another font-related tweak I use is
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}, but I don't know that it would make a 
difference for this issue.

Happy TeXing,


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