
I have been using xntpd to keep some machines on time.

I recently switched to a different machine (PPro, Debian 2.1+updates,
kernel 2.2.1) to handle masquerading and xntpd (etc...), but I just
noticed that xntpd doesn't do anything any longer (okay, I changed the
machine from ppc to ppro and from redhat to debian, so "any longer" is
probably the wrong phrase).

An exerpt from /var/log/xntpd:

12 Dec 06:49:25 xntpd[14702]: read drift of 46.257 from
13 Dec 00:20:57 xntpd[14702]: xntpd exiting on signal 15

One server I have in ntp.conf is

tock.CS.UNLV.EDU: stratum 2, offset 0.853196, synch distance 0.04726 stratum 1, offset 0.842812, synch distance 0.02371,
refid 'USNO'

but (having stopped xntpd3)

13 Dec 00:55:08 ntpdate[16494]: no server suitable for synchronization

I am not sure where to look now.  I believe that ipchains is configured
to allow ntp to communicate, but I could be wrong.  I am suspicious of
my ipchains config.

However, I have that machine serve machines inside my network, and I get

$ntpdate <internal address of this server machine>
13 Dec 00:57:38 ntpdate[25953]: no server suitable for synchronization

(again, from a machine within the internal net, and after I restarted
xntpd3 on the server machine)

I am reading through the xntpd-doc stuff, but if anyone has any
suggestions, I would appreciate the hint.

Dan Hugo

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