Friday, December 24, 1999, 2:23:07 PM, Art wrote:
> And what are the great points about Opera?


    For me it is the fact that while the other browsers weigh in at >10Mb for
their distribution Opera is a whopping 2Mb.  For compatibility with the most
pages Opera is just barely 2nd to IE and NS.  Also in the development of the
Linux version they developed a console version which can actually render pages
with frames/tables intelligently.  Something that Lynx, after years of
development, *still* fails at.

> Is it distributed under a GPL?

    No.  Considering how well it works on the Windows platform it was well
worth the money.  If the Linux team brings over all the best features and
makes it native in the process, then it will be well worth the money on Linux
as well.

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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