On 30 Dec 1999, Nick Moffitt wrote:

nick >Quoting Svante Signell:
nick >> - rpm format to be used for binary packages in LSB.
nick >
nick >  I beg your pardon?

RPM is one of the biggest pieces of crap ive seen..i spent 20 minutes
working on a redhat5.1 machine(from telnet) and it about drove me MAD, i
never appreciated how well dpkg/apt and even the distribution
(debian) being so organized into sections until i saw how redhat did it,

rpm was a nice step from .tgz packages but it is the last thing that
should be used for distributions in the future. my opinion at least.

that machine i worked 20 minutes on i told the guy to wipe it out and
install slink, i had his firewall, proxy, ipmasq, DNS, and X configured as
well as his machine secured in about 2 hours(that includes downloading
some missing packages off the net over 56k) redhat would of taken me
days..argh who could use a system like that..


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