something i'd really like is web integration with the package management,
its really cool to be able to click on a tardist file (IRIX package
format) and have it launch the software manager (X based) and prompt to
setup/install the package.  i read i think on on how to add this
functionality to netscape by adding a new application format and having
the command be xterm -e dpkg -i %s ..but it doesnt seem to work for
me. kpacakge is nice but seems unstable often.


On Fri, 31 Dec 1999, Nate Duehr wrote:

nate >There's a version of linuxconf undergoing testing for Debian in potato 
nate >now.  
nate >
nate >What's RedHat got that's better than dselect?  I haven't seen any decent
nate >tools for RPM's that provide: 
nate >1. Integration with an outside program to download all necessary files
nate >from a package mirror.
nate >2. Listings of available packages in resonable groupings.
nate >
nate >#2 might be covered by some of the newer graphical RPM installers they've
nate >shipped on the 6.0/6.1 series, but they still don't have #1 working right.
nate >
nate >rpmfind is a really crappy piece of software IMHO.
nate >
nate >Just thoughts...
nate >
nate >On Fri, Dec 31, 1999 at 03:42:58AM -0500, Paul M. Foster wrote:
nate >> There are two really horrible things about Debian, though. 1) The 
nate >> package handler. I'm speaking from Debian 2.1 here. It has a very
nate >> primitive interface and is incredibly tedious. Maybe they're doing
nate >> something different in potato. 2) Lack of admin tools like Linuxconf. 
nate >> seems to be the best tool out there for system admin. Not that it's
nate >> perfect, but I don't know of any analog for it on Debian.
nate >
nate >-- 
nate >Nate Duehr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
nate >
nate >GPG Key fingerprint = DCAF 2B9D CC9B 96FA 7A6D AAF4 2D61 77C5 7ECE C1D2
nate >Public Key available upon request, or at and others.
nate >

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