Don't know too much about rsh, but you would probably be better off with SSH
as it is (more) secure and offers the same functionality.

- Paul

On Thu, Jan 13, 2000 at 04:07:10PM +1300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> hi
> i asked this question before but no one answered... not too sure why as it
> is not a cryptic question.  So, i will ask again.
> To rsh a Unix host from Debian i have to put the Debain server address in
> the .Rhosts file on the Unix Server and that works great.  I now want to
> rsh a redhat linux server from my debian server...and i have no idea how to
> get it to work.  I have added the debian server address in the
> hosts.allow/deny files... but that does not seem to work.
> Is there a step that i am missing???
> -- 
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