"Christopher S. Swingley" wrote:
> > rsh a redhat linux server from my debian server...and i have no idea how to
> > get it to work.
> To do this you need four things on your Red Hat system (or any UNIX for
> that matter):
>     * The user's home directory on the remote machine must have a
>       ~/.rhosts file with the address of the local machine.
>     * The remote machine must have the shell line in /etc/inetd.conf
>       uncommented:
>       shell  stream  tcp  nowait  root  /usr/sbin/tcpd  /usr/sbin/in.rshd
>     * The /etc/hosts.allow file must allow in.rshd from your local
>       machine:
>       in.rshd: local_machine
>     * You may also need to make sure the portmapper is running on the
>       remote machine, and that your local machine has access to it.
>       In Debian, this is also done with /etc/hosts.allow, but remember
>       that the portmapper only understands IP addresses:
>       portmap: 192.1.4.
>       will allow thru
> Of course the server machine also has to have in.rshd installed and all
> of that.  Also don't forget to restart the inetd daemon on the remote
> server if you change your /etc/inetd.conf file.

One quick note - if the boxes in question are on the internet, you
really want to have them use ssh instead of rsh for security reasons.

CREOL System Administrator

Social graces are the packet headers of everyday life.

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