hi onno

i'd try something like...

- use a bootable cdrom ( rescue disk )...
        - boot linux with network capability
        ( use linuxcare' bootable cdrom - business card size

        - if not use (slackware) root/boot floppy image

- or use flash IDE disk to boot each w/s
        - than you don't need network either... just copy stuff over

- use your copy command from the distribution server to the local server

- i prefer not to use dd cause...it copies "zeros" too...
        tar will only copy data in each partition...

- linux needs about 1.5gb of disk space...
        - on a 13Gb disk....dd took about 2 hrs...
        - installing from scratch takes 15 minutes...
        - time vs doing it on 14 systems....was easier to run dd and
          go away...very painful waiting for it to copy 10Gb of empty disk
        - now...its toss up.. dd vs (complete install+patch_up_script.pl)

- change the ip# for each script

        custom_mirror.pl  198.162.xx.yy
        ( should be all that is needed to mirror the distribution
        ( server to each local w/s

- is there a debian or perl script(preferred) for doing this type of
  installs ??

have fun

# dumb brute force way to mirror distribution server to n-workstations
# fdisk the target disk than mount it
local_ws# mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/slave/
local_ws# mount /dev/hda2 /mnt/slave/var
local_ws# mount /dev/hda3 /mnt/slave/usr
# mount the distribution server
local_ws# mount  distribution#/ /mnt
# copy the linux setup from dist to each workstation
local_ws# cd /mnt
local_ws# tar zcf - boot bin sbin usr home dev proc lib | ( cd /mnt/slave
; tar zxvfp - )
local_ws# umount /mnt
local_ws# umount /mnt/slave/usr
local_ws# umount /mnt/slave/var
local_ws# umount /mnt/slave
... might need to use temprary lilo.conf to install new bootable image
... before running the w/s in stanalone/normal mode...
... change the ip# of the local w/s
... increment ip# for next w/s on the dist server...
# done mirroring

On Tue, 18 Jan 2000, Onno Ebbinge wrote:

> I'm a sysadmin and have two Debian GNU/Linux potato servers and 50 
> windows 95 workstations under my care. 
> My problem is with the 50 workstations:
> (the 50 workstations have the same hardware)
> I want to install ONE workstation and then mirror the hard disk to 
> all other workstations.
> The first time I did it was with ghost and I hooked up the installed 
> hard disk to every client and mirrored it... Not a nice job to do 
> and there must be a better way do do it! I know that ghost CAN use 
> NETBIOS connections and such but I don't know how to boot it from a 
> 1.44" flop and then use ghost.
> My question:
> I want to boot the workstation to be installed from a floppy with 
> Linux or DOS. Then I want to make a connection to my server (or the 
> installed workstation) and mirror the hard disk from a file (or 
> hard disk). 
> Frankly I don't care what is used or how it's being done (Linux/DOS 
> with dd/ghost or something else!) but I don't want to hook-up all 50 
> workstations again...
> Thanks for any ideas,
> Onno
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