is there a point to this ?  just because you have a secondary DNS
registered with internic doesnt mean you have to have one, i ran w/o a
secondary DNS for 40+ domains for well over a year.

the only reason i can see for 2 name servers is incase 1 goes out the
other is still there, if they are on the same box, this redundancy is
(almost) gone ..unless there is another reason to have a secondary DNS
?? i dontk now how you got yer DNS setup.


On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, Onno Ebbinge wrote:

Onno >Because of an upgrade of our computer network I must
Onno >run the primary and secondary DNS one 1 server with 
Onno >two NIC's for a while...
Onno >
Onno >Has anyone experiance with this?
Onno >
Onno >My guess would be to run named twice and
Onno >point to two config dirs and edit the 
Onno >named.conf seperatly to run each named on 
Onno >the right interface... 
Onno >
Onno >But thats just a guess!
Onno >
Onno >Regards,
Onno >
Onno >Onno
Onno >
Onno >
Onno >
Onno >-- 
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Onno >

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